The purpose is to have a short form clause that addresses risk of human rights violations in the supplier’s own operations and its value chain.
1. The Supplier warrants that it is conducting and shall continue to conduct its business in accordance with appropriate standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, and the Supplier shall ensure that its sub-suppliers comply with such standards.
2. The Supplier warrants that (i) it is not and has not been directly or indirectly involved in, and (ii) there are no and there has not been any pending or threatening, disputes, regarding violation of or adverse impacts on human rights in its own operations or, to the best of its knowledge, in its value chain, including with respect to:
3. The Supplier has carried out a risk assessment of its exposure in relation to violations or adverse impacts on human rights comprising its own operations and its full value chain and the Supplier has instituted, maintains and monitors policies and procedures that are appropriate to ensure that (i) any specific and general risks identified by the Supplier in its own operations and throughout its value chain are duly addressed and (ii) the Supplier and business partners in its value chain comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to human rights.
Clause Type | Social |
Jurisdiction | Denmark |
Industry | Multiple / cross-industry |
Focus Area | Buy-side |
Scope | both |
Contract Type | Master Services Agreement (MSA), Consulting Services Agreement, Facilities Management Agreement, Purchase Agreement / Order |
Relevant UNSDGs | Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 13: Climate Action |
Connecting Clauses | The clause is interconnected with a main framework agreement and does not include separate remedies in case of non-compliance. |